On Sat I went with Paul and Kris on Half Full in the Regatta for lake Champlain. It was a light air day that required patience. We had a great start and were able to take advantage of what little wind there was to move forward. The finish was near the four brothers islands and we got there first and then started heading back to Burlington. You could see a storm North of us and after checking the radar we saw that it was going to go right over us. We put away the sails, put on life jackets, and started motoring toward Burlington. We were over half way there when the storm hit. The temperature changed from about 80 to 65 in a matter of minutes and the wind went to 30-50 for about a half hour. The boat couldn't make progress into the wind so we went sideways and hooked into the Southern end of the breakwater. It was amazing how fast the waves got big. Fortunately there wasn't much lightning although we had some after we got into the breakwater area. A day of extremes. Low winds and high winds. Hot and cold. Slow and calm and windy and crazy. I would have needed a waterproof and shock proof camera to take any pictures of this one. Luckily no one was hurt on any of the boats.
Before the race - calm morning |
Before the race - working on the main sail |
Half Full inside Burlington breakwater in the "calm" water
Pictures taken by Kris: |
Sunday was a hiking trip to the Adirondacks to Algonquin and Wright mountains:
Pictures from Thu night racing:
And a picture taken by Sue of me hiking Camels Hump... again