Skiing 2/16 at Smugglers Notch. It had snowed 12"+ Sunday into Monday which made Tue at Sugarbush great. It snowed another 8" wed night which made for a great powder day at Smugglers Notch. Very few people there so fresh powder could be found all day. Went in the woods above the upper parking lot at 3PM and found fresh tracks.
The weekend of 2/19 turned warm. I went to NH but it was warm in VT also. X-country skiing with no gloves, hat, or coat. Late Spring skiing. Still plenty of snow but once it gets cold again it will not be pretty.
NH Note: Went into loon center trails. Half way around loop on the left went into woods. Low wooden sign with a "3" on it. Went back through a series of ponds and swamp area to golf course.
Smugglers Notch |
Julie - Sugarbush |
NH - 50 degrees, sunny, no wind, HOT! |
Camels Hump |