

Monday, June 24, 2019

Hiking: second half of June

It has mostly switched to summer mode. Trails have dried up mostly. The end of June was biking and hiking. Biking with GMBC on 40-60 mile trips around Vergennes, the islands, Georgia. Rides that start within a half hour or so of Burlington. Nice areas and I have been going on the Sunday rides which tend to have less cars.
Usual VT hiking to Mansfield, CH, Whiteface (VT), app gap. The last significant patches of snow I saw was June 15. This was on the Whiteface hike. Surprised to see snow that late in the season but it was a great winter.

Whiteface hike. Up Sterling ski trails to Whiteface and back:

Snow. June 15!

Detour to elephants head

Hiking at Bolton. Olga falls and Harrington view:

Mansfield. Ridge walk and Subway from Stevensville.

App gap to Sugarbush South and back.

Camels hump. Forest City->Monroe->bypass South toward LT->airplane->down

Camels Hump. Picture taken from North on bypass trail

East facing cliffs that I found off the bypass trail. Interesting area.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Lamoille Valley Rail Trail

Nice bike ride starting from Jeffersonville. Trail is about 36 miles round trip. I went beyond the trail at the end and explored some dirt roads. Half the trail is in the shade and nice cruising without car worries. Stopped at a fishing area that was down a short way off the trail. Nice waterfalls.