Climbed Belvidere from the LT. Then a walk up the Brewster river.
Climbed Belvidere from the LT. Then a walk up the Brewster river.
This was a longer dirt road ride. Nice area with few cars almost the whole way. 43 miles RT with 4,000 foot elevation gain. Not flat!
Parked at Cochrans ski area. Then Wes White->East St->Taft->Camels Hump Road->
Shaker Hill Road->Big Hollow->Starksboro center. Took the same route back except went back on Dugway instead of Wes White at the end.
Reminded me of a mountain bike ride that should be repeated again: Up Wes White to Loggers Loop and honey hollow.
Trail maintenance on the Woodward trail. Only cleared the first mile of trail. A fair number of trees down and slow going. Put up some markers, cut a number of downed and half downed trees, and cleared bushes and tree limbs. 3 miles RT to get to the start of the trail. Description below.
Holly and Ken 7/22. Trail start picture below: