Nothing in the valley would make you think the skiing had improved. After looking at the Mad River report though I thought it may have promise. Turned out much better than I thought.
Stevensville rd: Over Devils Dishpan and followed red blaze trail toward Trapps. Took a right on Dewey and headed up onto the ridge. Looped from there back to Underhill trail and headed back. Also spent some time in the AM and the PM in the woods on the side of Dewey that goes down to the parking lot.
2 inches at the parking lot and about 6-8 up high. These are powder numbers. Some wet snow must have fallen that covered the crust or whatever there was on the base. This made for no ice skiing and it was very nice. Skiing powder on top of a good base. Looks like it is going to stay reasonably cold so skiing should be good for a while?
Looking at lake from ridge |