

Friday, June 11, 2021

Olympic NP - Day 2

 This was the ocean and rain forest day. 

We went to Rialto beach in the AM. Walked out to the Hole in the Wall (2 miles one way) and back. No rain on the way out and some rain/wind on the way back. Ocean was rough but probably fairly normal for this area. Lots of rocks big and small in the surf. Lots of tree sculptures made by trees washing up on the shore along the whole route. Interesting green sea anemone's in tidal pools near the Hole in the Wall. You need to watch the tides on this hike as the Hole in the Wall and a lot of the beach after it goes under water at high tide. 

Second part of the day was Hoh rain forest. Went along the Hoh river trail that goes as far as you want to go into the forest. We went about 3 miles one way to a waterfall and some river access areas. Lots of moss on everything and it was raining so we got the full rain forest feel. 

At the end of the day we went out onto Ediz Hook in Port Angeles. A look at the non tourist side of Port Angeles. Lots of logs in large lots that are likely being shipped out over seas. We saw many log trucks leaving the park area while we were there and lots of clear cut land. This is where the logs end up to get shipped. There is also a big paper plant on the spit. Also homeless people living on the spit (Ediz Hook) and you get a feel for the state of the logging industry which is smaller and more automated than it was 50 years ago.

Lake Crescent

Rialto beach

Rain forest:

Logging museum in Forks:

Driving back through park:

Ediz Hook:

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