

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Hilton Head - Biking Pinckney Island Wildlife Refuge

 This is a great place so we decided to go back with our bikes and with a fairly early start which helped a lot with the bird viewing. We were fortunate to run into a local at Ibis pond who pointed out a number of birds to us. He was a photographer and showed us some amazing photos from this area and also Donnelley Wildlife Refuge which looks like a great place to go some day.

Birds we saw: Great Blue Heron, Great Egret, White Ibis, Snowy Egret (yellow feet and band at head), Wood stork, Tri-colored heron, Little blue heron.

We biked on most of the trails at the park and went to White Point Beach among others. Very few people on these trails and they were rougher mountain trails. I say rough but there are no hills at all so that makes a difference! In one area we say hundreds of small crabs running away from us on the trail which was fairly wet at this point.

The end of the day found us back on the South beach area of the island for a walk at sunset. Another fine day on the island!

Wood storks - looked a lot better through binoculars!

Many birds in Ibis pond in the AM

Many crabs running along bike path

White Point Beach

Drift wood alligator

Bird of paradise

1 comment:

  1. This park was my favorite. It's so beautiful and there are so many birds. They say the spring is the time to visit so I hope to come back some day. It's a birding paradise. I don't think we saw any gators here but after seeing how graceful and calm the gator was that we saw on the 2nd day I came to look for them and wasn't afraid. We saw them at Jarvis Pond, which is close to Pickney and I really like Jarvis although it is not very big.

    Ken was always out capturing the sun rise and set. Our beach faced east.
