Today I went to Northern part of the island. Hiking from Whale Cove road and Whistle road. This area is good for whale observation according to the hiking book. It was calm so it was easy to see things. At the beginning of the Whistle rd hike I saw a group of something larger swimming off shore. Later I watched some Grey Seals from the top of a cliff. These are pretty big animals and may be what I saw earlier. Nice trails off both of these roads. A good day and sunny!

Friday, September 30, 2022
Grand Manan - day 6
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Grand Manan - day 5
Sunny today all over the island! No fog even in the morning.
Explored the South end where there are high cliffs. Also walked along the East shore accessed from the road the White Head ferry is on. These trails have very few people on them. Some days I run into a few people. Today no one on the trails and beaches I walked on. The hiking guide published by the trail maintenance people on the island is very good. They tell you about the well marked trails with clear parking like I went on in the morning. They also tell you about the no trail beach walks and how to access them.
I stopped at Anchorage for an hour and walked around near the ponds. Lots of birds here hanging out in the ponds and the grass lands around them.
The campground has had myself and maybe one other couple the whole week. Tonight a yoga convention moved in! They tell me all houses and camp sites will be full. We will see how that goes! I felt like I owned the place so far.
Back at the campground
And the end of the road the campground is on