

Monday, March 11, 2024

VT -> Colorado Springs

 Vermont to Colorado Springs. At least that is the plan. Skiing in Colorado and Utah and hiking in Colorado and Utah. 

Travel day 1: I started out in a snow storm. Maybe 2-3 inches the night before and snowing consistently for the first hour. The storm was moving out and I was driving South so the driving got fairly good in the second hour. Strong winds most of the day. It did turn sunny and was 50 degrees in Ohio. A fairly uneventful day once I got out of the snow. Made it to Springfield OH. The same truck stop as last year. Kind of like home away from home? No, it's not!

Travel day 2:

There were three cities today where I70 got too close. In Indianapolis there are a number of turns and you are right in the city. One false move and you are downtown. Lots of traffic but I made it through. I remember last year didn't work so well. Kansas City and Topeka are similar with I70 turning into a city visit. Luckily Topeka is small.

Another long day today so I didn't see a lot. Highway driving. Kansas started to get interesting. One rest area I stopped at had a nice short hike up a hill where you could look out over the prairie. 

Did I mention I saw an alien space craft in Kansas?

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